Paul and Sarah Godson

Paul and Sarah GodsonPaul & Sarah first reached out to Propell via our website, in 2018.

They were renting in Coogee at that point, working hard with double incomes and no kids, and some solid savings in the bank.

They were determined to build wealth for their future, and needed guidance on what to do next.

We assisted them in formulating the right strategy to suit their goals – a capital growth strategy –  and bought their first property in the Hunter Valley, NSW.

We have since helped them purchase a total of 5 properties and achieve over $1m in capital growth!

Along with increasing their net worth, they have also increased their family size too, since then, adding 2 beautiful girls, who are 2 & 5!

We are continuing to help them grow and develop their property portfolio to continue their wealth building journey. What a great story!