Property Investors Are Thriving in the Gold Coast in 2025

Property Investors Are Thriving in the Gold Coast in 2025

It’s pretty safe to say – if you live in or have been to Australia, you’d know that The Gold Coast is one of those places that you just can’t get enough of.   The stunning beaches, the slow and relaxed lifestyle, the hot, sunny weather year-round. What’s not to love?   It can’t come as too […]

Rates Down, Prices Up: Why 2025 Is the Perfect Time to Invest in Property

Rates Down, Prices Up: Why 2025 Is the Perfect Time to Invest in Property

When it comes to the Aussie property market – it’s pretty tricky to predict what might happen…  This puts investors like you in a tough position. How are you meant to know what to do when the pattern is always changing?  The media’s telling you this, your friends are telling you that, and at the […]

Want to invest in an existing home? Here’s what you need to know…

Want to invest in an existing home? Here’s what you need to know…

When you look at the property investment market – especially here in Australia, it’s safe to say there are endless options.  Houses or apartments, city or regional… And one of the other key options – NEW or EXISTING. Now if you talk to some property investment companies, you’ll find that they have a cookie cutter approach […]

The Key to Successful Property Investment: 3 Ways to Feel Confident as an Investor

The Key to Successful Property Investment: 3 Ways to Feel Confident as an Investor

When it comes to making decisions – with anything i life – confidence is key.  If you don’t have confidence as a property investor, it’s pretty safe to say you’ll probably be stuck on the starting block… Because with a lack of confidence, comes indecision.  And do you know what comes with indecision? Well, unfortunately, when it […]

Propell’s guide to APARTMENT investing

Propell’s guide to APARTMENT investing

Are you on the lookout for an investment property?  Often, apartments can go under the radar for prospective investors, simply because there’s a massive priority placed on investing for land value.  And even though land value is important, and it’s something I often mention as part of any property investment strategy – apartment investing shouldn’t be […]

Should I wait until interest rates drop to invest in property?

Should I wait until interest rates drop to invest in property?

For anyone with at least one eye on the Australian property market, this is a burning question.  In fact, it’s one that we get asked all the time – in discovery calls with prospective clients, in catch up meetings with existing clients, and even when we’re just catching up with friends.  Should property investors wait until […]

5 Secrets to Successful Investment in the Australian Property Market

5 Secrets to Successful Investment in the Australian Property Market

When it comes to property investment, there’s no doubt about it – things can be daunting and confusing.  Well, that’s OK, because we’re here to help! At Propell, we’re all about working alongside you to build confidence and structure around each stage of your property investment journey, ensuring you can work towards smashing your financial goals.  […]

4 Benefits of Building a NEW Investment Property

4 Benefits of Building a NEW Investment Property

When it comes to property investment in Australia, the options and opportunities are almost endless… Houses, apartments, new, old, city, suburban and rural… And that can make for quite a daunting situation for prospective investors, simply as a result of having so many options.  So, where do you start? Well, at Propell, we love recommending […]

4 Ways To Generate Strong EQUITY in Your Investment Property

4 Ways To Generate Strong EQUITY in Your Investment Property

In the Aussie Property investment world, it’s safe to say that creating equity is one of the key elements in success.  Not just because it’s great to know that your property has increased in value, but also because it puts you in a strong position to continue growing your investment portfolio, through leveraging that equity […]